Yokogawa receives Science Based Targets certification for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Yokogawa receives Science Based Targets certification for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  • by PLC
  • Jun 21, 2023

Yokogawa, a global pioneer in industrial automation and control systems, has announced the acquisition of the Science Based Targets (SBT) accreditation, which is a critical step towards reaching sustainability goals. This distinguished accreditation certifies Yokogawa's commitment to lowering GHG emissions in accordance with scientifically established objectives. The decision illustrates the company's commitment to environmental stewardship and its proactive approach to tackling climate change. Let's go into the specifics of this significant accomplishment and its consequences for Yokogawa and the larger sustainability environment.

Environmental Sustainability at Yokogawa: Yokogawa has long recognised the significance of sustainability and has been actively involved in creating solutions that increase energy efficiency and decrease environmental impact. The SBT accreditation strengthens the company's commitment to addressing climate change and represents a critical milestone in its sustainability path.

CDP (previously Carbon Disclosure Project), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) collaborated on the Science Based Targets programme. It intends to promote and support businesses in setting aggressive GHG reduction targets that are consistent with the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius.

The Road to SBT Certification for Yokogawa: Yokogawa completed a comprehensive review of its GHG reduction aims in order to gain SBT certification. The company's aims were assessed based on their compatibility with current climate science and their ability to contribute to a more sustainable future. Yokogawa has proved its commitment to take aggressive efforts to combat climate change by successfully satisfying the demanding standards.

Implications of SBT Certification for Yokogawa: SBT certification offers Yokogawa with a number of benefits. For starters, it strengthens the company's reputation as an ecologically responsible organisation, firmly establishing it as a leader in the sustainable technology market. The accreditation also sends a strong statement to stakeholders such as customers, investors, and workers that Yokogawa is taking a proactive approach to climate change by establishing aggressive emissions reduction objectives.

Furthermore, SBT accreditation provides a framework for Yokogawa to track and measure progress towards its sustainability targets. It allows the organisation to evaluate its performance in relation to internationally recognised standards and benchmarks, guaranteeing openness and responsibility in its environmental activities.

Yokogawa's GHG Emission Reduction Roadmap: With SBT accreditation in hand, Yokogawa is ready to ramp up its efforts to cut GHG emissions. The corporation has laid out a detailed plan that includes steps such as increasing energy efficiency, investing in renewable energy sources, and applying sustainable manufacturing practises. These measures will not only assist Yokogawa in meeting its emission reduction objectives, but will also foster innovation and have a good environmental impact.

Conclusion: Yokogawa's receipt of the Science Based Targets certification marks a significant step forward in the company's journey towards sustainability. Yokogawa demonstrates its commitment to combating climate change and fostering environmental stewardship by setting aggressive GHG emission reduction objectives that are line with scientific consensus. The accreditation solidifies Yokogawa's position as a global leader in sustainable technology and demonstrates the company's commitment to a more sustainable future. Yokogawa's achievement motivates other organisations to take aggressive action and contribute to a low-carbon economy.

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